Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Saturday morning after our volunteer work,  J&K asked us to join them for brunch at Whole Foods. Mmmm, we’re always down for that. As an added bonus there was a coffee & pastry special for just 99cents! Woot! While eating we decided we should pay J&MB a visit, who just gave birth to baby Finley last weekend. So while at Whole Foods we picked up fresh fruit for momma and beer, of course, for proud papa. (I try not to use the names of the paranoid people who prefer not to be mentioned in my blog) It was my first time to their home, which though couldn’t have been more than 1200 sq. ft, seemed decorated straight out of Anthropologie and West Elm. And her baby? Even cuter. Really the prettiest baby I have ever seen, and barely five pounds. Not many babies shoot straight out of the womb looking that cute. It usually takes a few months for a real face with sweet features to form, but this baby was the exception to the rule, bald head and all.  After looking at the baby, we ran home, threw our work-out clothes on and met J&K at the gym where we have a two week trial membership. Considering how out of shape I am I surprised myself when I woke up the next day not sore or debilitated. From the gym, we raced back home to change for dinner with J&K and the Arners’. (by this time I was getting tired of racing around everywhere and it was only 5pm) We met them for dinner at a place called the Bavarian Brathaus. It was a Mexican joint. No, seriously, it was an up-scale German restaurant that Justin had been raving about and K had a coupon, so we went. Though the food was good and authentic, there was no coupon available that could have taken the sting out of our bill when it arrived. Not a cheap place and one I doubt I’ll return to anytime soon. Still, the atmosphere was cool and the beer samplers made it all the more fun. Nighttime brought a nip to the air (as in freezing our butts off) so we went back to J&K’s for drinks, games and a roaring fire in the fire-place. Thus ended our looooong fun Saturday. Sunday was saved out for my family and we had dinner over at my sister’s. It was nice to see everyone, but I was one heck of a tired girl. I need to take it easy this week. (as in, “Pass me a glass of wine and replay 500 Days of Summer“) Today’s weather is again unusually warm (got my tank-top on) and I have all my windows open like it‘s spring-cleaning day. Tomorrow begins December- another month full of interesting events which will all become drops to the stream of my life. Who & what will be a part of it? Only time and this blog will tell.

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