Friday, December 10, 2010


I'm totally exhausted right now. Why I do this to myself, I dunno. But I'm tired. And maybe a bit cranky, or as K calls it, snarky. I rolled out of bed this morning after approx 6 hours of sleep. I went to a wine tasting party at K's last night and because I rode with another friend, I was there until after midnight with no say in the matter. You know how that goes. I was already tired when I got to her house. I think the pj's I wore over there was a dead give-away.
"Um...Is that your pj's you're wearing?Omg...and slippers?!"
It was about 7 of us girls and K's husband, lucky guy. We ate, we drank, we talked, we ate some more and then we played Rock Band. In other words, nothing to get all dolled up over but we had fun. This morning I had a plan: I was going to do some quick shopping for tonight's dinner at Earth Fare and then head to TJ Maxx for some serious shopping. I'm in need of a few skirts and blouses (and maybe shoes and a cute hat and...) and I wanted the MAXXIMUM for the minimum. So I threw on my go-to jeans, an old green sweater that looks waaay too Christmas-y, and a knitted hat that I hoped was cute enough to hide the fact that I didn't brush my hair (ok, or teeth) and drove like 45 minutes to stupid Earth Fare because there's not one near me. As soon as I walk in the door I run into Anna-Lynn S., an old friend of mine I haven't seen in years. But today, since I look like the Grinch, I ran into her. If I had looked like Tyra, I wouldn't have seen anyone! Thus was the beginning of a strange string of events where I ran into TWO other people I knew PLUS my COUSIN and AUNT who don't even live in a 70 mile radius but just HAPPENED to be where I was today. It's 10:30am. I realized I haven't had breakfast so I walk over to check out the goodies at the hot bar. I'm super hungry, the coffee is hot and the egg & bacon bagel sandwiches are calling my name. Text message on my phone:
K: I'm going to SouthPointe Mall. Wanna join me?
ME:  Maybe. (meaning, not really but let me decide after I eat) I'm at Earth Fare right now.
K: You're already almost to the mall. It's just off 5-40.
ME: Fine. Text me when you get close. (thinking that means at least 40 minutes to eat and shop)
K: I'm 5 minutes away. Meet me at Anthropologie.
So I run & grab 2 muffins and a coffee that is cold by the time I race to the car and head over to the mall. I'm now over an hour away from where I live, my gas tank is on E, I'm hungry (muffins don't cut it) and I look like Yoda. Of course I get there and K has on her make-up and looks as cute as Mini Mouse, including a really cool red & white polka-dot belt. She already had several dresses in her hand to try on, and walked out with some great purchases. I walked out with nothing.
"Well, what do you want?" she said, re-applying her perfectly pink lip-gloss.
"I need a cute skirt that doesn't stop 10 inches above my knees or 10 below my ankles!"
The next hour or so consisted of me following her into all the trendy boutiques and out of them with a bag in her hand but none in mine. But hey, I ran into all my friends today, so that's ok! We ended the afternoon together with soup & salad and a quick stop in to World Market where again, she walked out with a big bag but I didn't. I love her to death, but I officially hate shopping with other people. Oh, but I did buy my husband some kicks from Urban Outfitters, so at least my debit card got to see the light of day.

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