Friday, January 7, 2011


Whenever I know I'm having friends or family over I use that date as my goal to do something new to my home. Last year it was the visit of my in-laws which was a great time to repaint the guest room (including painting the ceiling purple!), and get a bed and  new furniture for that room. It was also the time to dust all my baseboards, spray-paint antique furniture-salvage finds, and basically make myself exhausted and insane. This year, the big event was last weekend's overnight party (read recent entry) in which I had about 17 people spend the night. So two days before the party, between cooking and cleaning and running around in general like the Bride of Chucky, I also painted my kitchen and accent wall of the living room. I had another color in mind, but when I got to the Benjamin Moore store I was instead inspired to choose colors from their new 2011 brochure.When the guests arrived I got lots of rave reviews and I felt much better that I had just painted my beige walls JADE GREEN!!!! What do you think? (check out "before" pics in a previous entry)

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