Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Here's the low-down of my weekend: I accidentally set my whole backyard on fire Saturday thanks to high winds and had to dial 911,  spent way too much money on overcooked greek food (how can you overcook a SALAD?!) at a place in Glenwood South called The Artisan, my father-in-law had a mild heart-attack (his third), and I talked my husband into doing the Zumba dance class at the gym with me where he out-danced me and made all the young girls giggle. I am SO READY for my vacation! Five more weeks. I talked to Krista today and she said she's very excited to watch my sweet chihuahua puppy, Maisy, for the two weeks that we'll be gone. I can't get my own sister to even call me back as regards to watching my grumpy hard-headed chihuahua, Jonez. My husband makes fun of me daily because I've been basically all packed and ready to bounce outta here since the end of last year. The really funny thing though is that he's just as enthusiastic when it comes to buying things for the trip. Every weekend I know we will make at least one trip to Wal-Mart, three trips to Old Navy, two trips to TJ Maxx, and one to the mall just to gasp at all the rip-off prices. He's at Wal-Mart now as I type getting a new prescription for contacts (another pre-trip requisite). J & K, who are traveling with us, showed us their stash of organic freeze-dried camp food the other day. We don't have ours yet. Time to get over to REI.

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